Morven once called me a baby whale in the water in reference to how slow I am... time to change that. I got back in the pool today for the first time since the Sportsplex race and met an old friend there to help video my stroke. After analyzing it, I determined a few things:
1) Need to push my chest forward into the water and not dip my head straight down - used a kickboard and placed it on my stomach just above waistline and learned to balance again. First with arms out to the side and then streamlined... push the chest down - swim downhill. Not the head - the chest.
2) I'm entering the water too soon and catching drag as I hit - reach out and enter the water just shy of full extension. Should be only less than a hands length that I extend in the water at the end... Use the kickboard out front and reach to grab. If the hands cross to middle of the board that's no good - push the board away as the other arm comes off
3) Keep the elbows high and wrists loose. Imagine hitting my forearm at mid return near my ear into a hand instead of my wrist, which it currently is...
4) Timing is way off - reach and glide more instead of having one arm at mid return and one arm at mid pull. Shouldn't start the pull until the high elbow is coming by the ears.
5) Wall push is terrible - I'm 6'3" and should be coming out AFTER the flags. Hold streamline and kick under water and come out charging. Also, learn to touch and turn to both sides not just touch right and turn left.
That's it for now - swim stroke is under construction and I'm breathing hard haha! 100yd swim at Homestead before I made the changes above in 1:43 - 100yd swim after the changes 1:31. Time to extend those changes into greater distances.
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