Thursday, January 19, 2012

Metabolic Machine

Engine 2 Diet is full stream and in it's 2nd week. This is an interesting experiment on my body and I'm intrigued to see what the blood work will say when it's done. I took weight, body fat, blood pressure, and a full comprehensive blood panel via I've kept the total caloric intake the same over the spam of the week on the diet compared with the weeks prior to the diet to hold a constant. I did this to make sure that I was getting the calories that my already high metabolism would need to continue. I've been having to double and triple some of the recipes in the E2 book and had to add some Vega Sport protein shakes and whole food energy bars to supplement. Even after all that, my body is still increasing it's thermogenics and has actually LOST 9 lbs in 11 days. That needs to stop. So, I've actually increased my weekly caloric consumption as compared with what I was doing before to see if I can stop the weight loss. If I continue to lose weight than I'll be forced to add more fat into the diet since that seems to be the only thing that is lacking. I'm getting plenty of protein, just not animal protein, so I may need to supplement with whey isolate. Regardless, I'm staying away from casein based on the negative studies... before I start to add back any of these things, I will make sure and get my blood work done again.

So far, I must conclude that a plant strong diet definitely makes you into a metabolic burning machine, well at least me. And am hopeful that I have actually lowered my already low cholesterol so I can add that as a success too. The Engine 2 Diet is definitely not for everyone, but I would have no problems suggesting it to clients or patients that come into the gym. Clean eating, renewed energy, and increased thermogenics.

1 comment:

  1. Why in the world are you doing this diet to begin with? Just seems a little crazy for a person who isn't needing to lose weight. Sounds way too complicated for my brain, gluten free is hard enough. Good luck with it.
