Time to hit the "START OVER" button and begin anew... I've deleted some of the past posts that were to focus on the future and the here and now. I've learned from my mistakes in trainnig and the choices that I've made and am ready to forge forward with no regrets and no looking back. For those who were following a workout in the past and have already asked where it is located, I'd be happy to talk you through it and see if we can reconstruct what I did... if not, just jump on board and follow the newer routines. Today's WOD:
Warm-up - 4 sets
DB Squat Complex - 4 end loaded squats/ 4 cleans/ 4 presses/ 4 top loaded squats with 30lb DB's
Jump rope x 100
3 sets of the following pairs:
SA DB press on foam roller x 5 each side 65lbs peak
Squatted rope curls #8x10
Hanging cleans - 135lbs x 6
Walking lunges - 10yds 35lb DB's
Tabata-style (20/10 for 6 sets):
Push-ups on KB's
Jumping slam balls 8kg
SA DB row off bench left 60lbs
SA DB row off bench right 60lbs
Prone Y's with 8lbs
Charlie joined me and we had the workout knocked out in a little over an hour but can easily be done in 45-50 mins without too much interruptions.
Cleaning up and moving on...very dece